Wouldn't You Like an Improved You?

It All Starts with Water!

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prepare your gemwater in just 7 minutes

Fill your Era Decanter, Grande Dispenser or ViA Bottle with water

Wait 7 minutes for the gem to infuse the water



Everything you always wanted to know about gem water and the VitaJuwel method in under 3 minutes.

Now, what are you putting in your water bottles?

Do you know what is in your local tap water?

learn more about our versatile and best selling  under the counter and whole home water filtration systems.

Visit our water test page and we will ship you a free water quality test that will detect unsafe levels of chloramine and hardness.

How To Create a healthy home and lifestyle

Our whole home and undercounter water filtration systems are a definitive component of a healthy home and lifestyle. Made by hand in the United States. Meticulously engineered to the highest standards, using the latest technology and highest quality materials. Backed by our award-winning customer service and support.
Shop Water Filtration

Reggie's review of the whole home water filtration system

an easy DIY install in less than 10 minutes

Check out our unboxing and installation videos!


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